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Hongyan Li


Hongyan Li

Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, China

Abstract Title:Risk Factors of Sarcopenia in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis: A cross-sectional survey


Hongyan Li is a doctoral student majoring in nursing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. With21years of experience in nursing education and clinical nursing research, she is currentlyanassociate professor at the School of Nursing, Nanchang University. She has publishedover 30academic papers and presided over one project funded by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China.

Research Interest:

Sarcopenia is one of the common complications of peritoneal dialysis (PD). Physical activity is one of the important factors resulting in sarcopenia. However, previous studies rarelyconsidered the impact of physical activity on sarcopenia in PD patients. Therefore, this studywill explore the influencing factors of sarcopenia in PD patients based on physical activityandclinical follow-up data. This study was a cross-sectional survey conducted from February 2023 to February2024among PD patients in a tertiary hospital in eastern China. Routine dialysis monitoring indicatorsof patients and their participation in physical activity (using the Chinese version of the Low-Physical Activity Questionnaire) were collected. The study aimed to investigate the riskfactorsfor the prevalence of PD-related sarcopenia. The diagnosis of sarcopenia was based on the AsianWorking Group for Sarcopenia 2019. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to exploretheinfluencing factors of sarcopenia. A total of 830 patients were recruited, and 643 completed the survey. The averageagewas 48.04±12.77 years. Among them, 81 patients had sarcopenia, with a prevalence rateof12.60%. There were 22 patients with severe sarcopenia, with a prevalence rate of 3.42%, accounting for 27.16% of the sarcopenia cases. Binary Logistic regression showed that theriskfactors for PD sarcopenia were age (OR=1.043, 95%CI 1.015-1.074, P<0.01), BMI(OR=0.614, 95%CI 0.541-0.689, P<0.01) and parathyroid hormone (OR=3.198, P<0.01). 95%CI 1.808-5.690, P<0.01), comorbidities index (OR=1.303, 95%CI 0.992-1.685, P=0.05), total consumptionof PAin one week (OR=0.987, 95%CI 0.975-0.998, P<0.05). The prevalence rate of sarcopenia is relatively high among PD patients. Its occurrenceisinfluenced by old age, low BMI, more comorbidities, high parathyroid hormone, and lowlevelsof physical activity. Clinical nurses should emphasize on the early screening of sarcopenia, strengthen education on nutrition and exercise to prevent and treat the occurrence of sarcopenia. Keywords: Cross-sectional study; Peritoneal dialysis; Prevalence rate; Risk factor; Sarcopenia