HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Narita, Tokyo, Japan or Virtually from your home or work.
Title: Bridging Minds: Enhancing Asynchronous Family Nurse Practitioner Education Through Interprofessional
Title: Rejection Sensitivity, Intent to Seek Medical Help, and Gender Minority Individuals
Title: Mastering Teen/Young Adult Communication for Nurses and Educators.
Title: Integrating Artificial intelligence in Nursing Education to Facilitate Critical Thinking: Preparing
Title: Navigating Challenges in Nurse Education Insights, Models, and Practical Solutions
Title: Addressing the unmet needs of women with breast cancer in Mexico a non-randomised pilot study of the digital ePRO intervention
Title: The straw that broke the nurse's back-Using psychological contract breach to understand why nurses
Title: The straw that broke the nurse's back-Using psychological contract breach to understand why nurses
Title: Positive Self Talk Journaling Intervention to Improve Psychological Well-Being in Juvenile Prisoners
Title: Using Team-Based Learning in both face-to-face and remote modalities in the Patient Safety course
Title: Global Health Competency Integration and Credentialing in Nursing Education
Title: Association of Quality of Sleep with Emotional Intelligence among Undergraduate Nursing Students
Title: Advance Nursing Roles in Disaster and Emergency Management
Title: Black Fungus Disease-Current Status, Pathogenesis, Taxonomy, Diagnosis and Treatment
Title: Stronger Together RN and RPN Collaborative Practice
Title: Prominent Factors for Nurses Job Dissatisfaction in Ethiopia.
Title: High-Precision Prediction Model for Deep Vein Thrombosis Risk in Malignant Tumor Surgery Patients: A Big Data Approach
Title: Clinical Immersion Programme: Approach to Enhance Nursing Clinical Practice
Title: Nursing Students Engaging with the Community Through Service-Learning Programs
Title: Assessing Acute Kidney Injury Risk in Cancer Patients Undergoing Surgery: Insights from A Public Teaching Hospital In Kuala Lumpur
Title: Innovative Hybrid Learning for Clinical Nurses Using Intraprofessional Collaboration to Improve Physical Assessment and Clinical Judgment
Title: Utilizing Backward Design to Enhance Clinical Nurses Competency in Physical Assessment and Clinical Judgment Course design